Panelists: Kelsey Burkett and Mario Clopton-Zymler
Cultural Appropriation and Choral Music: A Conversation That Can Make Our Music and Community Better, Ryan Cho
Culturally Responsive Choral Music Education: What Teachers Can Learn From Nine Students’ Experiences in Three Choirs, Vicki R. Lind, Julia T. Shaw, Constance McKoy
Engaging Indigenous Voices in the Academy: Indigenizing Music in Canadian Universities, Laurel Forshaw (University of Toronto) - Dissertation
Making Music in the Mess: A conversation towards a greater understanding of African Diasporic voices in Canadian choral music, Phoenix Chamber Choir (Webinar)
Panelists: Frédéricka Petit-Homme Condon, Leela MadhavaRau, Andre Myers, and Floydd Ricketts
Teaching Culturally Diverse Choral Music With Intention and Care: A Review of Literature, Catherine Bennett